NKN is designed as a Smart Ultra High Bandwidth network that seamlessly interconnects the leading Scientific and Technological institutions - which are pursuing world-class research and development. NKN design is inherently proactive; it takes into account the requirements that may occur in the near term and long term.Some of the salient features of the NKN are:
- Establishing Connectivity for Knowledge and information sharing.
- Enabling Collaborative Research in emerging areas such as Climate Modelling.
- Facilitating distance education in specialized fields such as medicine, emerging high tech areas covering info-bio-nano technology.
- Facilitating an ultra high speed e-governance backbone for information sharing.

NKN will also act as a test bed for research in the area of network, security and delivery models for various services. As NKN is a new initiative, it will leverage existing initiatives, to ensure faster roll out with modest investment.
Based on the design objective, geographical spread and the expected usage, the following technical features are envisaged for NKN:
- NKN is a protocol independent network and is designed to carry multiprotocol traffic.
- NKN is capable of offering hierarchical Quality of Service (QoS) for real time traffic (voice and video) and guaranteed bandwidth for business critical applications. NKN governance backs it up by Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for the users.
- NKN design supports IPv6 transport, IPv6 networking and IPv6 MPLS VPN services in addition to the similar facilities based on traditional IPv4.
- NKN design, implementation, management, and control is such that service provisioning is internal to the NKN network and does not depend on telecom service providers from whom “raw” bandwidth or fiber is likely to be leased.
- NKN design supports Multicast enabled VPN for running Multicast applications, both in IPv4 and IPv6.
- NKN management is capable of handling provisioning for the central services such as Multimedia Conferencing, e-access, digital library, and central data centre to all users.
- NKN will provide access to secure data centre with Information Assurance.